
Agility and Hoopers Training

Agility classes are held on a Wednesday Morning.


The Class runs Monday's from 3 pm to 8 pm.

It is a great sport to stimulate and exercise your dogs but they also need some basic obedience skills to help avoid accidental injuries.

The class is intended  to be  for fun but there are also strict health & safety rules - one of which is an age limit. Puppies  9 months and under are not allowed to take part but ask Lesley for a sheet of some pre- agility activities you can try in your garden. Puppies from 10 to 12 months are allowed to have a go on limited  equipment which can gradually be increased as they grow older.

Speak to Lesley or Jo if you have questions.

Wednesday - 10am

Trainer - Agility : Lesley

Hoopers classes are held on a Wednesday Morning.


The Class runs from  10:00 am to 11:30 am.

Hoopers is a dog sport that strives to be all inclusive and low impact.

Courses are built to be flowing, to limit impact on the joints and equipment is all designed to allow as many people and dogs as possible to get involved.

Hoopers is about positive reinforcement both for handlers and the dogs,  and is about building a stronger bond with your dog and having fun together.

What will I need?  -      Treats, and I mean   A LOT OF TREATS!    Feed your dog a tiny breakfast and bring the rest of his dinner with you.   Bring a combination of high and low value treats if you can and a treat bag or easy access pocket.

If your dog is likely to run off, a long line or flat lead attached to a harness might be a good idea.

Toy – if your dog is not a foodie bring a toy too, switching between food and toy rewards is very useful tool.

Sense of humour – we’re all here to have a good time, so leave the negativity at home and come prepared to laugh and encourage each other – positive reinforcement works for humans too you know!

Yellow/reactive dogs – hoopers is very supportive as is TVDTC of reactive and yellow dogs. Please indicate any reactive issues before the class and if we think your dog is not ready for a group situation yet (where dogs may be running loose) we’ll see if we can help find another space for you.

Trainer - Canine Hoopers : Colin Green

Wednesday - 10 am - 11:30 am